How can I win back husband who’s having affair with young woman overseas?

How can I win back husband who’s having affair with young woman overseas?

When TDY, my husband (then 43) met a woman 1/2 his age overseas. Retired from military and took job in UAE. He got her a VISA and has been with her since. He is attracted to the foreign women because he has no accountability and rules. I still love my husband and want our marriage to work. He only calls me now about 1-2X weekly. He’s been seeing her for approximately 2.5 years on and off now. Anyway I can save my marriage since he is so far away from home. I don’t know what I should/shouldn’t say and/or tones in my voice I should use. I know if feeling pressured he easily closes up. I want him to come home and go to counselor with me. I married for better or for worse. Any ideas??? Thanks in advance (more…)

IN-DEPTH LOOK at the 7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry- Step 1 of 7

IN-DEPTH LOOK at the 7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry- Step 1 of 7

I have decided to write a series of posts with an IN-DEPTH LOOK at the 7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry. I feel there’s a lot of valuable information regarding each of the seven steps that you should all consider and know about. This series of steps will not necessarily be written consecutively but I will get to all 7 eventually in the next few weeks or so. Also realize that the original post serves only as an introduction to the 7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry and it is recommended to read all seven In-depth look articles to follow in order to get further explanation and understanding of them.

As a side note: Let me remind you that the best way to stay updated on the upcoming posts and other news related to is to either subscribe to our RSS feed, or follow on Twitter or facebook. (more…)

7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry

7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry

Finding the right person to spend the rest of your life is one of the toughest challenges someone will ever face. There’s really no proven solution on how to successfully accomplish this but luckily I, The Last Honest Guy has come up with 7 easy and simple steps on how to find the right person to marry. Although, the final outcome really depends on how well these steps are followed and executed it will at least give you a good starting point and a clear direction on how to do this. By following these 7 simple steps you will increase your chances to be with the right person and at least put the odds to a successful marriage on your side. (more…)

Pre-marriage Communication Problems

Pre-marriage Communication Problems

I am 24 years old. I’m engaged with a guy for the last 1 year and we are planning to get married. We are also physically engaged for a while. My parents are not very happy with this relation but they have accepted him for my sake. Now for the last month he has changed completely, it’s not he is calling off the marriage but he is treating me in a strange manner. Whenever I ask anything related to him and his work he gets irritated. Before this he was very loving and caring. My career is not yet settled. I am very upset with this. Shall I go further will this relation or not? I really love him and don’t want to lose him. Please guide. (more…)

Why does my husband keep checking out other women?

Why does my husband keep checking out other women?

My husband and I just had our first child 3 months ago & ever since then I’ve been feeling less then attractive & all of a sudden his slight glances at other women have been bothering me so badly. I feel so inadequate and disgusting and I just feel like I look like a monster. But why can’t he stop looking at other women? He tells me I’m gorgeous and I’m the only one he wants and he’s in love with and we have sex all the time but why am I not good enough for him? Am I missing something he wants? Why can’t I be the only one he looks at? I just want to be good enough for him and I don’t feel like I am. I hate this feeling, I hate feeling like I hate myself and I’m not good enough to please him and he looks at other people, is it possible to stop this?? (more…)

What to do if your man abuses you

What to do if your man abuses you

I was recently listening to a show about women being abused by their husbands or boyfriends and I started thinking about this subject. In my mind there’s absolutely no justified reason why anyone would abuse someone else. I could never see myself or even imagine doing something like this. This is plain and simply wrong and anyone who does this deserves to be punished to the fullest extend of the law. It is not uncommon for couples to go through the course of their relationships happily in love with very few problems beyond the common arguments that many couples experience. However, it is unfortunate that other people find themselves in relationships that are unhealthy and actually put their very lives in jeopardy.  If you are in a dangerous relationship and are unaware of how to get help, it is a smart idea to seek the services of a domestic violence attorney. This type of scenario can rapidly get way out of control and you are likely scared about speaking with anyone about it in fear of making things worse. However, no one should be fearful of their boyfriend or abused by them and if you are in this kind of relationship, it is sometimes best to find a way to seek out the help of a legal professional, click to read more here about domestic violence attorney. (more…)


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