I’m not horny anymore, let’s just get married!

I’m not horny anymore, let’s just get married!

Today I happened to have the misfortune of listening to something that really disturbed me and got me thinking. As I was flipping through my radio stations I came across the Dr. Turkey-neck show and listen to a young woman who was calling to get advice from her. She stated she had been with her current boyfriend of 5 years since the age of 18 and her sexual appetite had extinguished. She wasn’t horny anymore. She wanted to know why she was feeling this way even though she still loves her boyfriend and was looking for advice on what to do about it.

To my surprise, Dr. Turkey-neck gave her the worst advice possible and set her up for a bad break up and possibly ruined any future relationship she might have. (more…)

Women say there’s nothing they can do about their PMS… WRONG!

Women say there’s nothing they can do about their PMS… WRONG!

A new study by at the National Institutes of Health and other institutions was recently released in regards to “that time of the month”.

The study states:

“Many women experience premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, which includes a wide-range of symptoms such as mood swings, bloating and cramping in the days during and leading up to menstruation. But these symptoms can intensify when a woman is under severe stress during the two weeks before menstruation begins, according to the study which was published online in the Journal of Women’s Health earlier this summer.” (more…)

IN-DEPTH LOOK at the 7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry- Step 3 of 7

IN-DEPTH LOOK at the 7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry- Step 3 of 7

Step 3- Choose people while doing activities you enjoy (from the 7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry)

It’s important to choose people while doing activities you enjoy because that guarantees that you both will have something in common right from the beginning. To go a step further, let me specify that a better idea is to meet people that are doing activities that show traits you might be looking for in a mate and start thinking more long-term rather than short-term. (more…)

IN-DEPTH LOOK at the 7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry- Step 2 of 7

IN-DEPTH LOOK at the 7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry- Step 2 of 7

Step 2- Finish your career (from the 7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry)

Why do you think finishing your career before committing to some one is so important? To put it in simple terms, just think about the people you used to hang out with in high school or Junior high school, do you still hang out with them? Has there been people that you used to really like back then but you no longer have anything in common now and don’t talk to anymore? Or maybe you used to hang out with a co-worker at your old job but now that you have a new job you don’t hang out with them anymore. The reason this happens is because you no longer have anything in common and as a result you slowly drifted apart. (more…)


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