Girls dress skanky on purpose

Girls dress skanky on purpose

Why is it that there’s a ton of women out there that choose to dress a bit too revealing on a regular basis? A lot of the times these women dress this way in places where it may not be the most appropriate one, such as a school or even just to go to the groceries. Now, let’s get one thing clear, I am not complaining about this at all, as a matter of fact, I’m glad there are women that do this. We need some eye candy every now and then. But I am surprised about the number of women that get upset or think is rude for a guy to bluntly stare at them. (more…)

Do you hang up on your boyfriend?

Do you hang up on your boyfriend?

Do you hang up on your boyfriend?

Hanging up on your boyfriend is something that seems to happen a lot in a relationship. It almost seems like the minute there’s an argument between a couple and women gets frustrated they tend to hang up the phone right away. The problem is, this behavior has absolutely no positive gain to solving a problem.

I personally never call back anyone who hangs up on me, male or female. I think this kind of behavior should not be tolerated and it’s a total act of disrespect. Hanging up on someone is also immature and childish. Real adults don’t hang up on people. Real adults talk about a problem in a civilized way, without shouting or using improper language. It’s usually a dialogue between two people in which both parties exchange ideas and thoughts in an effort to coming up with a solution to a specific problem. You wouldn’t hang up on your boss in the middle of a sentence, would you?

If I’m ever in a situation where the other person hangs up on me, especially in the middle of my sentence, consider the argument over and don’t expect to hear from me EVER unless you call me back and apologize first and promise to never do it again. I generally give people one chance, only when they don’t know me well enough. I make it a point that I will not tolerate that behavior even when I’m the one at fault. If after that first incident they do it again, our relationship is over based on the fact that there’s obviously no respect what so ever between us. One of the most important factors in a relationship is respect and if it’s lost, then there’s no point in wasting my time. It’s really important to always have respect for one another in a relationship and those are the initial signs you’re going in the wrong direction.

Most importantly when someone hangs up on the other person, the possibilities of solving a problem are almost completely gone. The whole purpose of the argument is to come up with a solution to it and hanging up the phone is definitely not one of them.

Although some men do it too, it seems like women are the ones that do it more often, and not just the young ones. I don’t understand why. It’s almost like they think they’re supposed to hang up on guys whenever they feel like it. On occasions, they even do it on purpose and wait for the phone to see if the guy calls back. How immature is that?

Ladies grow up and stop hanging up on people.

I encourage everyone to put a stop to this behavior by never allowing it to start from the beginning of any relationship. But the key to making this work is to make a big deal about it the first time it happens and get your expectations across without any doubts. If you’re currently in a relationship where this happens a lot, you can still put a stop to it but it will just take a bit more effort. At the same time know that it works both ways and if you don’t want someone to hang up on you, you should be the first one to never do it.

So, are you the kind that hangs up on people? Why do you do it?

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Why guys are willing to bang (have sex) anything that moves

Why guys are willing to bang (have sex) anything that moves

As I was writing a previous post one day, I started thinking about a subject I don’t really hear much talk about. Did you know that all guys have a set of categories when it comes to the womenpe they date or are willing to sleep with? This is the reason why sometimes you see guys that sleep with some ugly ass women and you can’t figure out why.

These categories are in our subconscious and don’t necessarily have official names to each one. At the same time each guy will have their own set of unique categories when it comes to women their willing to bone. Even if you need these guys in strip clubs. Next, I’ll give you a run down of some of them.

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How to do I deal with this guy’s mixed signals?

How to do I deal with this guy’s mixed signals?

Hi I’m 20 years old and at the school I go to there is a bar that everyone goes to on Saturday night. I am there almost every Saturday along with the whole school. I end up hooking up with the same guy every time for the whole night acting like we are basically dating. When the school week comes along he barely says hi to me if that, but then we are hooking up that Saturday. How do I handle this? I don’t know what to do. Thank you. (more…)


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