What does it mean when a guy calls you beautiful

What does it mean when a guy calls you beautiful

What does it mean when a guy calls you beautiful

Has a guy you liked ever called you beautiful and you wonder what exactly does that mean?

I’m going to admit one thing, guys can be hard to understand when it comes to knowing what exactly they’re feeling inside. You must first understand that most guys are not brought up thinking it’s ok to talk about this. Many guys are taught at a young age that they must be tough and should act hard. If they don’t, they might be perceived as weak among their peers.

They’re told things like:

“Men don’t cry”

“Man up!”

“Tough like a rock”

So it takes a lot for a guy to be able to call you beautiful. This means that a guy is comfortable enough with you to open his heart and tell you how he feels. Remember that most guys are not comfortable saying this and most likely will not tell their guy friends about it either. This is something he had decided to only share with you and only you. If you go around telling your friends that he called you beautiful, you’ll probably embarrass him. It’s probably best if this experience remains private and only between you and him.


How long should a girl wait to have sex with her boyfriend?

How long should a girl wait to have sex with her boyfriend?

How long should a girl wait to have sex with her boyfriend?

How long should a girl wait to have sex with her boyfriend? Or how long should a girl wait to have sex with someone they are seriously interested in? Does hooking up too soon ruin the relationship?

Okay, so this is a really common question that always gets tons of different answers and crazy rules. What I’m going to do here is tell you how a guy thinks when it comes to having sex with a girl. Essentially this is what this site is all about, which is why is very beneficial for women to use it as a reliable source for having accurate information and access to the way guys really think. When it comes to sex, so much emphasis is placed on what people do. And for obvious reason. But what about what people say? Particularly for long-distance lovers, words become an important device for expressing themselves and connecting sexually. While men must focus on maintaining good penile health so that any visual materials they send aren’t alarming, and so that they will be able to perform once the lover is nearby, they should equally attend to their verbal abilities so they can please partners in the present with a tailored sex story. Now, anyone can tell a sex story, but not everyone can tell a truly thrilling one. Below, men can find tips for telling a tale that stokes a lover’s passion. And, while this is certainly desired in the case of long-distance lovers, it can also be of benefit to those near and dear, spicing things up in the bedroom. You can see this great site for the REAL SEX STORIES.

Penis size is a sensitive issue for many men. Those who have small penises are conscious about their size and tend to get nervous in bed. Women get turned on by huge, long, strong penises. They find them physically satisfying and psychologically stimulating, they may say size doesn’t matter in front of their partners just to protect their ego. And men do realize that it is just a false comfort from their partners. So they look out for ways that will help them in increasing the size of their penis. But is Penis enlargement really possible? Are there any medically sound ways that helps in increasing the size? Is Penis enlargement a fact or phallacy?

These are some questions which continue to bother most of the men. Well, instead of disclosing the answer straight away, lets get to know more about the facts of penis enlargement. This will help give you a fair idea whether it is fact or phallacy. If you go for a little research, you will come across a number of products that gives you the assurance of increasing the penile size. The manufacturers takes advantage of the misconception that many men lives with in trying to sell their product. Most men do not have a very clear idea about the normal size of a penis until recently. And this is one main reason why most men are bothered about the size of their penis.

And so they continue to nurture the misconception that they have small penises. So it is at times such as this where psychological help becomes a must. So far there has been no proven fact that penile surgery helps in enlarging penis. Though it is well known that the tools used in the surgery are very effective in managing erectile dysfunction but they do not usually help in increasing its size. Most of the supplements and methods available work more towards the treatment of erectile dysfunction rather than focusing on enlarging the size. Surgical procedures may at times help in lengthening the size but there is a chance of getting infection.

For many men who are looking to increase the size and girth of their penis, one option is penile surgery that is increasingly becoming more and more common. Dr. Colorado penile enlargement surgeon attempt to lengthen the penis. This is a purely cosmetic procedure that if successful can greatly increase the level of confidence as well as satisfaction of men who are dissatisfied with what nature gave them.

Let me start by saying that a guy expects to get lucky the first night he meets you and definitely after officially becoming your boyfriend. However, I don’t recommend that you give it up right away if in fact, you’re looking for a serious relationship. What tends to happen is that a guy just loses interest in you because it was so easy to get in your pants and it didn’t really present a challenge. Remember that guys like challenges and the harder it is to get something, the more valuable it becomes to him. When speaking of sex toys and aids, bellesa boutique a good shop near you. However, when it comes to the huge selection and efficiency of the products, there is only one best name. That is one of UK’s most successful online sotres, which is Bondara. As we know, different ages and sexes have different needs when it comes to sex toys. The good news is that Bondara knows well about this. This is the reason why the range of their products are awesome from vibrators, dildos, male and women sex toys, sexy lingerie, bondage gears, anal toys to sex gears. Actually, the collection of products in this local store has come out to be over a million already. you can shop at this website for the RABBIT COLLECTION vibrators. The number one thing to do is take a look at your vibrator rabbit and identify the two key parts: The “shaft,” which is the portion that looks like a phallus or penis, and an external “bunny” clitoral stimulator. Then, make for sure you’ve got your batteries installed in the approved manner. Conduct experiment with the controls before you have fun with your toy. Depending on the type of vibrator rabbit you have and the controller that powers it, you’ll most likely be able to control two separate functions: The shaft will typically rotate for internal stimulation and the bunny (or other clitoral stimulator) will vibrate against the clitoris for external stimulation. Play with the controls until you understand which control operates which characteristic and what kind of action you can expect from each. Next you’ll need to apply some lubricant. Most toys perform well with a water-based lubricant. Apply the lube first to the shaft of the vibrator rabbit. About a dime’s worth of lubricant in your hand should do the job. You’ll also probably get pleasure from the experience further if you apply lubricant to yourself and the clitoral stimulator.
Prior to turning on your toy, start the ball rolling by inserting the shaft gradually into your vagina, with the bunny facing up. You’ll know you have everything inserted properly when the bunny’s ears are roughly lined up over your clitoris. If your bunny vibrator also has rotating pearls or beads in the shaft, these will probably be near your vaginal opening at this point. Now you’re raring to go to turn on your toy. Be certain to start with the vibration and rotation on low or slow rate until you’re comfortable increasing the level of intensity. If you’re not used to the sensation of a vibrator rabbit, the clitoral stimulator in particular may well seem too intense. If that’s the case, simply put a cloth, sheet or other bit of material over the bunny’s ears to decrease the sensation a bit.

It’s really just like anything in life, if something is easily obtainable you tend to not care so much if you lose it, but when something takes work and effort to get, the appreciation for it is enormous.

That’s exactly what you want to achieve with a guy. You want him to appreciate you and make it clear that having sex is not something you do with just anyone but instead is something you only do with someone who has become special to you and therefore has gained your appreciation to the point where you’re willing to take the relationship to the next level.

In reality, the way a relationship should go is in the following order:

1. Initial meet

2. Date for a while

3. Become exclusive

4. Become intimate

5. And eventually after a couple years if everything is still going well you make a life-long commitment to that special person.

Now, the amount of time for each one of those steps to last all depends on what feels right for BOTH of you. The important thing to keep in mind is that both of you have to feel the same way at the same time. This means that If you don’t feel ready to do something, you shouldn’t do it under any circumstances. This gives you full power to control step 4 (becoming intimate) and determining when the time is right. Just remember to always keep in mind that the harder you make it for a guy to get what he wants, the more he will appreciate it.

By the way, I’m not opposed to women not being free to sleep with whoever they feel like and as soon as they feel like. In fact, this is something I encourage women to do simply because I think it’s important for women to learn about their sexual needs and have experience even with Sex Toys before making a life-long commitment to anyone. I really hate to see women commit to who they think is the love of their life just to later find out that person doesn’t completely fulfill them sexually.

The real answer


A wife should be required to give bj’s as part of the marital agreement – As many a 5 times a week

A wife should be required to give bj’s as part of the marital agreement – As many a 5 times a week

I often hear of cases where a couple is in love, everything’s great and they couldn’t be any happier so they get married. The funny thing is that after some time suddenly their magical relationship goes to the crapper. One of the most common complains by men is their current sex life in comparison to the one they had prior to getting married.

Some of these reasons are things like; “We don’t have as much sex as we used to” or “She doesn’t like to do the things we used to do in bed anymore”. Of course some of the things men are referring to are bj’s or oral sex for those of you who don’t know what that means. (more…)

Relationship Advice… why?

Relationship Advice… why?

So, the title of this post seems a little bit weird. The reason I’m writing this post is simply to tell all of you why I give relationship advice which by the way it’s also free. A lot of what I’m going to tell you guys can be found in my about page of this website. However, looking at the stats of my site I realize that not very many people take the time to read it. It’s understandable, we’re all really busy. Really I’m just thankful that you at least take the time to read some of my post.

As this site continues to grow, I feel it’s necessary to remind all my loyal readers and the new ones why I do this.

So, what’s the real reason I like and enjoy giving free relationship advice? (more…)

IN-DEPTH LOOK at the 7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry- Step 2 of 7

IN-DEPTH LOOK at the 7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry- Step 2 of 7

Step 2- Finish your career (from the 7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry)

Why do you think finishing your career before committing to some one is so important? To put it in simple terms, just think about the people you used to hang out with in high school or Junior high school, do you still hang out with them? Has there been people that you used to really like back then but you no longer have anything in common now and don’t talk to anymore? Or maybe you used to hang out with a co-worker at your old job but now that you have a new job you don’t hang out with them anymore. The reason this happens is because you no longer have anything in common and as a result you slowly drifted apart. (more…)

7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry

7 easy and simple steps to finding the right person to marry

Finding the right person to spend the rest of your life is one of the toughest challenges someone will ever face. There’s really no proven solution on how to successfully accomplish this but luckily I, The Last Honest Guy has come up with 7 easy and simple steps on how to find the right person to marry. Although, the final outcome really depends on how well these steps are followed and executed it will at least give you a good starting point and a clear direction on how to do this. By following these 7 simple steps you will increase your chances to be with the right person and at least put the odds to a successful marriage on your side. (more…)


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