How can you be exclusive with someone and not in a relationship?

How can you be exclusive with someone and not in a relationship?

I don’t get guys. I’ve been going out with this guy for about three weeks. We have a college class together. The last time we went out he said that he’s never been in a serious relationship and he only hooks up. He said that he isn’t looking for a relationship or anything really. I told him I don’t do that. In his car we were talking and he thought we were exclusive. How can you be exclusive with someone and not in a relationship? I told him I did not want to be exclusive with someone I am not in a relationship with and he seemed really upset. Then when I saw him about 5 days later he told me he wants to be

exclusive, again I said no. What is wrong with this guy? Am I wrong for thinking that exclusiveness and relationships are pretty much hand in hand? I don’t even want to date him anymore because obviously we’re not on the same page. I do appreciate his honesty but now he is being very confusing.

Also he thought we were being exclusive and yet he still went to the movies with another girl. What is wrong with this dude? He said nothing happened but I really don’t trust him. I get really bad vibes. It doesn’t matter what happened (I never thought we were exclusive) it just matters if he’s lying. (more…)

4 reasons why a 22 year old guy is not into you

4 reasons why a 22 year old guy is not into you

A few weeks ago I got out of a two and a half year relationship that, well, wasn’t so healthy. Basically my ex was flirting with other girls behind my back, after an episode a year ago of full-blown infidelity. I have trust issues because of it, and am going to be very picky when even talking to someone else. I’m looking to start dating again, at the very least meeting new guys. I’ve been reading these articles on how to get get your ex back. A few months ago I met a lady at a job I had, and we became friends pretty quickly. We both no longer work there, so I don’t get to see her much – which is why I was happy to drive 45 minutes to her house to hang out with her and her family for the first time.


Now, I’ve seen pictures of her son online, and I’m very attracted to him. I just get a very good vibe from him, and know he is the type I would definitely be interested in dating, or pursuing a relationship with, He’s the same age as me, 22 years old. I know he also had just gotten out of a relationship, and he’s still hurting from it. His mom (my friend) actually asked him about meeting me and he told her he wasn’t ready for a girlfriend and was looking for ‘rebound girls’. I did get to finally meet him the night I went to her house. He lives in another state, but was visiting for a few days.


I must say I was quite nervous. We said hi when we were introduced, and those were basically the only words exchanged. I think it might have been a bit awkward because his mom already asked him about me. I am normally a shy person, but since I felt so comfortable around his mom and I really liked the atmosphere, I opened up quite a bit. I spent several hours there hanging out, and though I talked to everyone else present (his brother, brother’s girlfriend, step-dad, etc.) I didn’t get to talk to him at all, even though we sat next to each other part of the night. He had been sitting on the other side of the room, but when I got back from using the restroom he had moved to the chair next to mine – although, that’s where his phone charger was, and he was frequently texting. The purpose of the get-together was to watch a fighting event on tv, so that accounted for some of the lack of conversation. He’s actually a fighter, so is his brother, so they were really into the program. He was complaining all night that he was tired, because of the beer he was drinking, so not too long after the event was over he went upstairs to sleep.


I REALLY like this guy. I’m trying not to come on too strong, because honestly I doubt he returns my interest. But at the same time, I know he’s still recovering from his last relationship. Also, I don’t know him too well, and this could be his normal behavior. I’m friends with him online but have never had a conversation with him there either. From your experience, does this sound like a case of ‘he’s just not that into you’? He IS going on dates, from what his mom said; so he does have some current interest in the opposite sex. (more…)


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