Relationship Advice… why?

Relationship Advice… why?

So, the title of this post seems a little bit weird. The reason I’m writing this post is simply to tell all of you why I give relationship advice which by the way it’s also free. A lot of what I’m going to tell you guys can be found in my about page of this website. However, looking at the stats of my site I realize that not very many people take the time to read it. It’s understandable, we’re all really busy. Really I’m just thankful that you at least take the time to read some of my post.

As this site continues to grow, I feel it’s necessary to remind all my loyal readers and the new ones why I do this.

So, what’s the real reason I like and enjoy giving free relationship advice? (more…)

Why men and women can’t understand each other

You often hear both men and women saying things like; “I just can’t understand him/her”. The truth is, the old saying men are from Mars and women from Venus has a lot of truth in it. That’s because at times it does seem like they are from completely different planets. One thinks one thing while the other thinks another. Sometimes it seems like men and women can never be on the same page. The bad news (not really) is that somehow we need to figure out how to co-exist and live together. But why is it that we can’t seem to understand each other? (more…)

Snooki vs Kim Kardashian

Snooki vs Kim Kardashian

Over this past weekend as I’m sure you all know the VMA 2010 took place and for some it was a success while for others it was a complete disappointment. Which ever way you may feel is really not what I’m here to discuss. What I do want to talk about is some of the women who attended this event. To be specific just “Snooki” in comparison to Kim kardashian.

How long should you wait to start dating again after a break up?

How long should you wait to start dating again after a break up?

People seems to always come up with different “rules” on how long someone should wait after a break up. Some say, at least 6 months if you were in a serious (years) relationship. Others come up with ridiculous time frames that have absolutely no rational reasons behind them. Often people simply seem to think is disrespectful to the other person if you start dating right away after you break up with them. And others will criticize you if you start dating right away when someone breaks up with you and say things like; “I guess she didn’t really love him that much, looks at her she’s already going on dates”. (more…)

I want to know what this man is thinking… Tell me what he’s thinking…?

I want to know what this man is thinking… Tell me what he’s thinking…?

I’ve recently ran into my high school / college boyfriend…
Can U help me read his actions?
Are these guy behaviors considered flirting?

1 He totally stopped working and walked over to speak to me.
2 He shook my hand TWICE.
3 He spoke my full name really loudly like he was amazed.
4 He asked if I still lived on the same street I used to.
5 He asked if I ever had kids.

I’m curious if he wants back with me.
And yes, I’d take him back.

We separated over career choices not personalities.
(He moved with his job but he’s back now.)

How do you read this event? (more…)


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