He said I am childish and immature and that I don’t listen to what he’s saying

He said I am childish and immature and that I don’t listen to what he’s saying



So I am born and raised in the Philippines and I met this 38 year old guy who is born and raised in Iran. He has been in the US for 9 years during which he has been away from his parents and siblings. We have been dating for 3 weeks now and on the first week, everything was great. His parents arrived from Iran and he even introduced me to them. Then he became busy though we maintain communication each day and we still see each other twice a week. Two nights ago, we had an argument and he said I am childish and immature and that I don’t listen to what he’s saying. After that he completely ignored me and didn’t want to talk. Being the childish person I am, I even asked if he was already breaking up with me and he said “No.” But he stopped texting and calling since then. I messaged him last night on ym just to say hi and good night and he just replied with the same things.


My question is, what do I do now? Are we still dating or is it time to move on like nothing happened? I am so clueless.


Thanks (more…)

I think there was something really special between us, but timing/life circumstances were against us…

I think there was something really special between us, but timing/life circumstances were against us…



So I’m a 29 female student in professional school and I met a guy through mutual friends 4 months ago. He is 28 and I am 29. We are both American/Caucasian, with graduate degrees, active lifestyles. He lives 400 miles away and was just in town by chance visiting these mutual friends. We really hit it off and he came and visited me again several weeks later when he was in the area (but still a several hours drive away) and then when I was on his side of the state we spent a couple nights together. We have not had sex (but did have some intimate contact). There seemed to be a very strong connection mentally and physically- he called me beautiful, amazing, smart… on multiple occasions, talked about things he loved about me, was super kind to some of my friends I introduced him to.


He also did not pressure me at all for sex—even checked in multiple times to make sure I was ok with the “stuff” we had done previously and told me not to apologize when I said I wasn’t ready to go further- he even said I should not be sorry, he was just happy to be near me. I felt really comfortable and at ease yet hugely attracted to him in a very short period of time (actually he said this exact same thing, and it’s exactly how I felt but I held back on being as expressive about my feelings).


The last night we spent together HE initiated “the talk” and said that he was not ready for a relationship, after I told him I liked him enough to try to make something work. He listed things like just graduating law school, getting a new job, ending a previous long-term relationship a few months before… all true. I think he just wants to date and have fun at the moment- but I was still really sad when he didn’t contact me much after I left- just a few text messages- I did however most of the contacting so I think he figured he didn’t have to do much and I would stay interested. Also I know starting a relationship long distance is not really a great idea- everything just felt so “right” with him.  So I decided to try to let it go and stopped contacting him for 2 months- during that time he has begun to contact me more… Can anything be salvaged in the future? I will be in his city for several months this coming summer- under what circumstances should I let him

know I’m in town? (also there is a high probability that we will be living in the same city in a couple years)


I think there was something really special between us, but timing/life circumstances were against us, am I nuts for thinking there could still be something special … Or was I just a failed booty call? Being kept on the back burner? He really liked me but it’s not practical? Do guys forget about a girl they really like? Ok sorry, that’s a lot of questions!

Thanks! (more…)

I am a 25 year old single mother of a 1 year old and looking to date a 19 year old. Is that a good idea?

I am a 25 year old single mother of a 1 year old and looking to date a 19 year old. Is that a good idea?

I recently met a guy at school. He is a wonderful person and seems like he would be everything I am looking for. However, I am a 25 year old single mother of a 1 year old and he is only 19. (He has met my daughter and they get along well.) He works at a law firm and has his own house, car and even a maid! He brags about how much money he has and I have told him repeatedly to not discuss it. I like him for who he is and not for his money. I don’t want anything from him but his time. He claims he only talks about how much he has because he has worked so hard to get it. I feel like he is trying to impress me by the things he has and I know that he is not ready to settle down. He constantly works (like, 24/7) so, it is hard to find time to spend with him. I understand the time constraints since I am bust with my daughter most of the time. My question is: is it even possible to have a serious relationship with someone that is so much younger and so career-oriented or should I just move on? (more…)


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