She Can’t Control Her Subconscious Mind – How to Know if a Girl Likes You

She Can’t Control Her Subconscious Mind – How to Know if a Girl Likes You

When talking to a girl, men are sometimes not sure whether the girl likes them and feels attracted, or perhaps, is just being nice and polite. In this post I will discuss the subconscious actions and hints women give men to show their attraction and interest. Paying attention to those hints can improve men’s communication and success with women.

People can achieve a rather good control of their verbal communication, i.e. they can choose what to say. However, as you’ve probably already read and heard, most of the human communication is not verbal, and is based on Tonality, Body Language, and other aspects of non-verbal communication. A person can tell any lie he wants, but when he’s connected to a lie machine – his pulse and sweat will almost always expose him.

In the same way, a girl can even tell you verbally that she is not interested and doesn’t like you, but her body language will tell you the opposite. Whenever a girl feels something towards you, she won’t be able to hide it.

In addition, a girl can even give you verbal hints that she likes you, but some men will not interpret it as signs of interest.

Women Rarely Show Direct Interest (more…)


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